Action painting with children
DIY action painting with children
Do you also have such's agile child? Would you like to do crafts with your kids but don't have the peace and quiet for it? We embarked on a fun form of action painting with kids.
The little guy got to experiment with paint and spray paint on a big canvas canvas. Actively mess around with paint while getting moving.
Action painting with children
Our little man really likes to do crafts but does not always have the peace and quiet or the headspace to concentrate on the job at hand. No problem of course but sometimes it's fun to experiment with that. We had one of those'a day when Mr. wanted to craft but actually had too much energy.
I came up with an activity that allowed him to do crafts without having to sit on a chair. Plus the weather was nice, which is what this child of action painting with kids needs.
Paint gets splattered around a lot and it's best to do it outside.
Action painting is a way of working in the American and European abstract expressionist art and informal painting of the 20th century in which the action is the starting point.
Source: Wikipedia
What you need?
- gouache
- canvas
- Syringes
- Paper
- marker
- scissors
- Felt or black paper
How to proceed?
Find a workspace where it doesn't matter if things get dirty. Wear old clothes if necessary because chances are you will be covered in paint yourself. If the weather is very nice, you can do this in swimwear.
Put your canvas on the ground and fill the syringes with poster paint. Don't put too much in at first but try and see what works best.
I wanted to give the final work a little extra so I already glued a mustache shape onto the canvas. I cut these out of a folded sheet of paper. (The Idea was that after the paint three, I would take it off and you would have a white mustache. This turned out a little different.)
Now let your child mess around with the spray paint. My toddler squeezed the sprayer so hard the first few times that more paint flew across the street than onto the canvas, so it started off hilarious. The paint splattered around our ears but luckily some paint ended up on the canvas as well.
In between we tried out what happened when you filled the syringe with a little water and paint.
This soon became too wet and the red mustache stuck to the canvas. Oops, but well, that too is part of action painting with kids.Experiment and mess around while in motion.
At one point the little man thought it was enough. The canvas was full of colorful splotches and splashes and we didn't look so fresh ourselves either. I put the canvas to dry and meanwhile we cleaned the tiles.
Finally I cut a new mustache from black felt which I glued to the center of our artwork and our action painting experiment was finished.
We had a lot of fun and now we have a great canvas on the wall. What more could you want?
Have you ever done action painting with kids?
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